So much has happened in the last year of my life it is hard to know where to start...
John & I have now been married for 9 1/2 months, it has been a joy and an adventure! He is an amazing husband and as cliche as it sounds, he's truly my best friend. We have such a great relationship and have loved every second of being married!
We have had so many amazing experiences and such happy times deserving of documentation, I will have to do some catching up.....
The Joys of Dating
Johnny and I had a fabulous dating experience. We starting seriously dating Christmas break of 2007. We had been good buddies and lunch date friends for the few months prior, but I never would have guessed at that point we would be getting married in less than a year! John had more of an agenda earlier than i knew, but he played it cool and totally took me for surprise. Our whole time being together was super fun and stress free. John made it VERY easy to fall so completely in love with him :). We starting taking about getting married in the spring and by April it was decided.
Summer 2008

John and I were "unofficially" engaged when I moved out to Seattle where John was selling for the summer. I was only there for 2 months, but in that time, Seattle became one of mine, if not my very favorite cities.

I didn't have a ring on my finger until June 8, 2008. Johnny was getting grief from Wendy and me about not proposing yet. I didn't know he had even shopped for one when he surprised me at this amazing beach house on the Washington coast. I forgot my camera, the only pictures I have from this day were taken from a disposable camera and I used up all the film before he actually proposed!
Johnny did such a great job picking out the ring. It was everything I would have wanted. It was a total shock for me and I loved that he managed to pull off the surprise. This was a perfect day, and one of the happiest moments of my life. Defiantly worth the wait!
The rest of the summer was bitter sweet. It was hard being away from Johnny, but it was great to spend time with my family.

We met up at Lake Powell for a trip with Johnny's family. It was my first time to Powell on a house boat and we had such a great time!

We didn't have engagement pictures yet so our good friend Jessica Bingham took some amazing shots in the middle of the lake that we used for our announcements.
The rest of the summer was consisted of Johnny working hard in Seattle and me working on planning the wedding in Pocatello at my dad's house that wasn't finished yet. I was so thankful for a supportive family to work with. Everyone (Mom, Dad, Wendy, Kelli, Stacy) spend so much time and energy helping, it wouldn't have happened without them!
September 13th 2008

Even with the grass being laid the day before and the deck being finished on the house the morning of our wedding, everything come together beautifully for a PERFECT day!!
Everything Else
The last 9 1/2 months have been nothing short of fabulous~! We have had an exciting crazy busy year with school, work, traveling, moving, etc. but hard work pays off. Johnny graduated this May from Utah state and we (along with both our families) are excited to see what Johnny will do with his business entrepreneurship major and where life with take us! He will probably continue his schooling and get his MBA the next few years. John is super motivated and creative. Everyone who knows him, should have no doubt he will be amazing at whatever he decides to do!
We will be back in Logan in the fall for me to finish my undergrad at USU. I am studying Exercise Science and doing P.A. prerequisites. If all goes well, i will be graduating in either the spring or summer of 2010 and have plans to go to Physician Assistant school the following year.
This isn't close to the full recap of such a fun year, but I have to start somewhere!