Johnny is working out here for a summer sales company called Pinnacle Security. He is quite the salesman, as this is his 3rd summer doing this, and is doing extremely well. It has been a blast living on the east coast and being so close to so many amazing places, but I am glad it is only for the summer. The east coast is way different and it is hard being so far away from family and friends and so when we "grow up", i think we will settle down a little closer to home :)
So far this summer we have visited 7 states and done everything from riding rollercoasters and playing on beaches, to visiting amish land and exploring caves! Here's the visual....
Inner Harbor
Our first week here we decided to go check out the famous Inner Harbor in downtown Baltimore. We walked along the harbor and checked out the shops and restaurants. This is a cute area with a ton to do and a very fun place to walk around and people watch.
Six Flags
Johnny and I both love roller coasters so six flags was one of our first adventures of the summer. The day we were here i swear there had to have been less than 100 people in the whole park cause we walked on the every ride without a wait. It was so slow that you could stay on and ride anything you wanted over again. And that's exactly what we did! We rode every ride at least twice and some of the big ones over and over and over again! I love rides, but I didn't realize how hard core Johnny was. By the 6th time in a row on the Superman roller coaster I was begging Johnny to be done and so I made him ride solo the last go around. We conquered the whole part in under 3 hours and we left with tummy aches and our heads ready to explode!
Washington D.C.
Memorial Day weekend we headed down to D.C. with our friends Casey and Chanthoeun Barrus. (This is the only decent picture I have from my camera because Chanthoeun is a fabulous photographer and was nice enough to snap shots of us all day and i haven't gotten them from her yet.)
It was crazy getting into town because they had the streets blocked off for a parade and we had a small man versus GPS struggle going on, so it took us an hour longer than planned. I hadn't been to D.C. since I went with my Dad in 6th grade so it was awesome to be there again.
My favorite was the WWII Memorial that has been added since I was there last. It was beautiful and really added a lot the area. The Mall was crowded and it was drizzling so by the time we walked from the capital building to the lincoln memorial and back we were wet and pretty tuckered out, so we called it a day.
Johnny's family came out for a visit in the end of May. It was great to see them and way fun to have some company to go out and see the sights with while Johnny was at work.
We met up with them in Philadelphia, where Ryan and Kaeli are living for the summer, to hang out. We had a fun campout in on the living room floor with the whole fam!
Long Beach Island, New Jersey

We went to this beautiful shore side town in New Jersey. It was a chilly day for the beach so I thought i was being brave for even getting down to my swimsuit, but I was put to shame by Johnny, Jake and Ryan who got right into to freezing water.

I still had fun taking pictures and building sand mer-mans.
Day two we ventured into po-dunk, USA to "Amish Country" in a town honestly called Intercourse. We had a "fresh from the farm" lunch and watched people drive around in carriages. Kinda mind blowing...
Wendy found this great covered bridge where we stopped for a little photo sesh.
then we were off to our next adventure...
Hersey Pennsylvania

"Its like Disney World.. But with Chocolate."
--Johnny Tall
Inner Harbor- Baltimore, Maryland
Washington D.C.